Natural Ways to Repel Summer Insects

Natural Ways to Repel Summer Insects

Summer time is here once again. Unfortunately, with all the good that summer brings, the warm and humid weather also brings unwanted insects.
Here are some natural and safe remedies to help get rid of these pests and enjoy your summer.

Wasps. Wasps come back as soon as the warm weather turns. The colonies are getting bigger and this results in more aggressive and hungrier insects. These insects have a good quality of eating other dead insects, however they are a huge risk to anyone who is allergic to them. Wasps do not like any type of mint, so growing mint in your garden will be a deterrent. Mint is safe and non-toxic to any pets or children who may accidentally get into it.

Ants. Warm and damp weather is a recipe for ants to come out. Ants can be attracted to anything that spills in your kitchen or on your floors. Once you see one ant, you can bet there are more hanging around. You can make a natural repellent out of white or apple cider vinegar and water. Simply put this mixture in a spray bottle and spray the affected areas.

Mosquito’s. Mosquito’s are a pest that can put a damper on the mood of any party or gathering. They seem to come out of nowhere and keep coming back. A safe and effective way to reduce the mosquito population around your home or yard is to reduce standing water if possible. Standing water is the mosquito’s preferred breeding ground and will bring them into any yard that has standing water. You can also grow mosquito repelling plants such as basil.

Ticks. Ticks are one of the hardest insects to get rid of. They dig into your skin and your pet’s fur and stick. A single adult female can have as many as 4,000 eggs in one sitting. Planting basil can help repel ticks along with a solution of tea tree oil and water. However, be aware, cats can be sensitive to this mixture.

Do you have any suggestions for repelling summer insects? Share them below!

Happy Summer!


Backyard Safety

Backyard Safety

Homeowners often aspire to have attractive backyards that look like they belong in a magazine. While these can be picturesque and functional for adults, they may not be entirely practical for homeowners who have young children, especially when the majority of the yard is covered with paving stones and concrete.

When young children are part of a household, homeowners may benefit by designing yards that are both functional and fun. Incorporating safe play areas for kids is one way to unlock the potential of both, big and small backyards.

When considering playground equipment for the yard, parents need to make safety a priority. Follow the “five S’s” when considering your next purchase:

Surface: Parents should assume children will fall. Be sure to buy equipment that is made of a material with a grip to it such as rubber.

Structure: Be sure that the equipment you buy is made of a sturdy material. Cedar wood works great if you are building your own equipment.

Site: Be sure to place your playset in a safe area. Avoid overhanging trees and area of the yard with direct sunlight.

Safety: Follow directions for installation and don’t cut corners to save time. Make sure to anchor down all posts into the ground and check your equipment often for rusty spots and wear and tear.

Supervision: Place your play set and play area in a place where you can easily monitor what is going on.

Backyard playgrounds should be built with safety in mind. Not only for your children, but for others too.


Car Maintenance for Summer Traveling

Car Maintenance for Summer Traveling

School is out and road trip season is underway! Before hitting the open road, it is important make sure your car is in good condition for long travel.
Sticking to the maintenance schedule on your car keeps it running properly and protects you from expensive repairs.
Here are three of the top items to consider before packing your car and heading out of town:
  • Oil Change – this is probably the most important thing that you can do for your car. Skipping even one oil change can start damaging your engine.
  • Fluid maintenance – it is always important to top off all fluids, such as coolant, windshield washer fluid, etc.
  • Tire Rotation – tires can be very expensive to replace. Be sure to stop into your local mechanics shop and have them rotate your tires.
Fortunately, taking care of your car and preparing for road trips is easy. Following these basic steps will help insure a safe car and a safe trip.



When Was The Last Time You Inspected Your Clothes Dryer?

When Was The Last Time You Inspected Your Clothes Dryer?

When was the last time you inspected your clothes dryer? Failure to do so can pose a safety hazard in your home. Performing a regular maintenance check on your dryer can help promote energy efficiency and keep your dryer running properly for years.

Here are some tips to help maintain your dryer:

  • Inspect dryer and dryer vents every two to three years and clear any dirt or lint buildup.
  • Replace plastic or vinyl exhaust hoses with rigid or flexible metal venting.
  • Clear outdoor vent trap from snow and other debris.
  • Clean the dryer filter after each use.
  • Dry full loads of laundry and you could save $7 each month!

When it is time to upgrade be sure to visit for the latest on rebates for energy efficient appliances.