Tips to help make Visiting Santa easier this Season

Tips to help make Visiting Santa easier this Season

Christmastime is filled with many different holiday traditions. While people are decorating their homes or going to holiday themed shows and activities, families with younger children may have a visit to a Santa on their holiday to do list. For some this is an exciting experience, for others this activity can be met with apprehension and even fear. Here are some tips to help make visiting Santa a more pleasurable experience for both children and parents.

Do a test run. If your child has never had a photo or visit with Santa before, they may be frightened. The successful photo visit may take more than one time. Try a walk by, or if the line is short, maybe just a quick hello and then build up to the big event. Observe how your child is reacting and if they are old enough to engage in conversation, talk about the experience. Younger children who are frightened and may be crying can actually be the source of anxiety for older ones. The beard and red coat coupled with the fact of sitting on a strangers lap may also be concerning to your child. Acclimate your child to the experience and let them become familiar with how Santa looks and acts.

Dress comfortably. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Consider not using this opportunity to dress up and wear the shiny new shoes. The new, dress holiday clothes may be another cause of discomfort. The goal is to look nice for the photo but not at the expense of your child’s experience.

Pack some supplies. Bring snacks and drinks for the kids so hunger isn’t the source of discomfort. Bring a change of clothes just in case.

Get Santa recommendations. Ask friends, neighbors or even teachers in the community about Santa visits. Many Santa’s are trained to help make the experience easier for children with anxiety or special needs. Not every Santa is adept at handling children. You want someone who is used to making children feel welcome and comfortable.

Try and have a good time. Don’t expect perfection. Focus on building memories. Sometimes the best moments are the ones that just happen. Enjoy this wonderful time with your children.

Happy Holidays from your Santa’s helpers here at C.H. Edwards, Inc. If we can assist you with your Insurance needs this holiday season, feel free to contact us at 516-249-5200.

Written by: Denise A. Visco

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