Hurricane Season Preparedness

Hurricane Season Preparedness

Although hurricane season officially began on June 1st, we are now entering the peak for this year’s season. From mid-August through mid-October, the Atlantic coast is at a higher risk for hurricanes and tropical storms.

With that said, here are some hurricane safety tips to help you prepare for this year’s peak season.

1. Know if you are in a high risk area. Find out if you live in an area where you are exposed to flood risks and high winds. Speak to your local emergency management agency.

2. Make an emergency plan. Sit down with the members of your household and come up with an evacuation and safety procedure in the event of a severe storm.

3. Put together a basic survival kit. Fill a water safe bin with items such as water, non-perishable foods, a first aid kit, flashlights, cash, chargers, and batteries. Store this bin in an easy to reach, safe place in case of an emergency.

4. Be sure to stay tuned with local emergency alerts, TV, radio, and weather updates. Knowing if there is a storm headed your way will help you to prepare properly.

5. Consider buying flood insurance. Flood can happen anywhere at any time. Even if you do not live in a flood area! Keep in mind that Flood insurance must be in force a minimum of 30 days before a claim can be made.  Flood is NOT covered on a typical homeowners policy.

Don’t get caught unprepared this flood season. For more information on flood insurance and whether it is right for you, please give our office a call at (516) 249-5200 or visit our website at  Act now.  Don’t wait for a disaster to strike!

by Denise Visco